Exceptional Student Education

At Florida Cyber Charter Academy, our faculty and staff work hard to ensure that every student has the accommodations they need to succeed! Additionally, if any parent/guardian has a disability or other limitation that would impact their ability to participate fully in their child’s educational planning process, we would be happy to discuss accommodations that may be available in order to maximize the parent/guardian’s participation and the student’s success. Individuals seeking to discuss accommodations for this reason may contact our Special Programs Department.

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Special Programs Office

Identification of American with Disabilities (ADA) Compliance Act Coordinator | Special Programs Manager

Identification of Section 504 Coordinator

Annual Public Notice of Special Services & Programs

In accordance with federal and state regulations, Florida Cyber Charter Academy (FLCCA) will provide an annual public notice to families informing them of FLCCA’s child find responsibilities, procedures involved in the identification of educational disabilities and determination of students’ service and support needs.

Families are encouraged to review the following information that describes these regulations. Information regarding FLCCA’s internal practices to comply with these will be available in the FLCCA’s Special Programs Manuals and Handbooks.

Child Find

Florida Cyber Charter Academy (FLCCA) strives to identify, locate, and evaluate all enrolled children who may have disabilities. Disability, as stated in IDEA, includes such conditions as hearing, visual, speech, or language impairment, specific learning disability, emotional disturbance, cognitive disability, other health or physical impairment, autism, and traumatic brain injury. The process of identifying, locating, and evaluating these children is referred to as Child Find. In accordance with federal and state regulations, FLCCA will provide an annual public notice to families informing them of FLCCA’s child find responsibilities, procedures involved in the identification of educational disabilities and determination of students’ service and support needs.

As a public school, we will respond vigorously to federal and state mandates requiring the provision of a Free Appropriate Public Education regardless of a child’s disability or the severity of the disability. In order to comply with the Child Find requirements, FLCCA will help ensure that all FLCCA students with disabilities, regardless of the severity of their disability, who are in need of special education and related services—are identified, located, and evaluated —including students with disabilities who are homeless or students who are wards of the state.

Parent/Guardian permission and involvement is a vital piece in the process. All information collected will be held in strict confidence and released to others only with parental permission or as allowed by law. In keeping with this confidence, FLCCA will keep a record of all persons who review confidential information. In accordance with state regulations, parents have the right to review their child’s records.

As part of the Child Find process, some services may include a complete evaluation, an individualized education program designed specifically for the child, and a referral to other agencies providing special services.

Dispute Resolution Options

Details coming soon

Procedural Safeguards

In accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requirement that all educational agencies provide parents of students with disabilities notice containing a full explanation of the Procedural Safeguards available under the IDEA and U.S. Department of Education regulations.